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:: My Anime Music Video(s) ::

:: Click the preview pictures to access the download page.
:: Special Thanks to SteveMV, Angel, and Red-Dwarf.

title: Season Romance
Completed: July 2001
Length: 4min 43sec

Yes, I am one of the proud owners of the Ranma 1/2: Digital Dojo VHS box set. This is a very simplistic video that takes a brief, quiet look at the series' first TV season. For me, it's another great way to enjoy what's probably the sweetest Ranma song ever, CoCo's "Equal Romance." Clip selection was loosely guided by the song's lyrics (Viz Media translation). Geez, I never get tired of this song... OMG THE CoCo GIRLS ARE CUTE!!#$^%@, just like their music.

All footage was taken from VHS copies, including the karaoke portions, which will explain the faint scanlines and "dirty" solid colours in certain areas. It was also my intention to make this vid "feel" like a mainstream music video that the publisher/studio would produce to promote the series. Note: There are parts where the lip-synch is off. Of course, that's the animators' faults.

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"Ranma 1/2" is property of Takahashi/Kitty Film/Viz Communications.

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